Date: Friday 6th March 2015
Time: 12pm – 5.15pm
Venue: Red Loop, Middlesex University, Boulevard Drive, Aerodrome Road,
London, NW9 5QZ.
AN INVITATION FROM MARK GRAY, DICK COMLEY: 'MINI-SANDPIT', COMMITTEE ROOM 3 Facilitating cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work will be essential to the new direction for Middlesex. Middlesex research often crosses not only discipline boundaries but also the boundaries between Schools. While research centres often work successfully across them, these boundaries are not necessarily fixed: research opportunities, for example, may be 'problem centred' and respond to social, economic and cultural needs.
The third "mini-sandpit" workshop on 'Behaviour change in urban environments' will be held on the 6th March, and you are invited to register for the event through the Staff Development Portal<>, for any queries please contact Mita Vaghji in the RKTO (<>). This event has been specially developed by Tom Dickins, Stephen Syrett, Andy Bardill, Meri Juntti, Maeve O’Loughlin, Rob Spencer, Mark Coulson, Stephen Nunn and Lian Lundy. There is a maximum of 50 places available for this third workshop. Researchers in ALL areas are welcome.
The aim of the workshop series is to explore areas for research collaboration in a relaxed, creative environment conducive to identifying scope for joint work across all Schools. Our (short format) sandpits, will focus on themes emerging from current policy discussions, technology choices or wider cultural and social issues.
Programme for the workshop
Informal conversations amongst colleagues in psychology, business, natural sciences and law revealed common interests in urban behaviour and environmental quality (both in their broadest contexts). Several of us are working on a range of complimentary topics and know of various colleagues working in linked urban areas (e.g. behaviour change, community resilience, ecosystem services, smart phone app development etc.) in both research and programme development.
The aim of the ‘open event’ is to:
· see how we can take forward these research and programme development synergies
· collaboratively identify research themes
· co-develop a core list of research questions
· plan to pursue a focused starter project
AN INVITATION FROM MARK GRAY, DICK COMLEY: 'MINI-SANDPIT', COMMITTEE ROOM 3 Facilitating cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work will be essential to the new direction for Middlesex. Middlesex research often crosses not only discipline boundaries but also the boundaries between Schools. While research centres often work successfully across them, these boundaries are not necessarily fixed: research opportunities, for example, may be 'problem centred' and respond to social, economic and cultural needs.
The third "mini-sandpit" workshop on 'Behaviour change in urban environments' will be held on the 6th March, and you are invited to register for the event through the Staff Development Portal<>, for any queries please contact Mita Vaghji in the RKTO (<>). This event has been specially developed by Tom Dickins, Stephen Syrett, Andy Bardill, Meri Juntti, Maeve O’Loughlin, Rob Spencer, Mark Coulson, Stephen Nunn and Lian Lundy. There is a maximum of 50 places available for this third workshop. Researchers in ALL areas are welcome.
The aim of the workshop series is to explore areas for research collaboration in a relaxed, creative environment conducive to identifying scope for joint work across all Schools. Our (short format) sandpits, will focus on themes emerging from current policy discussions, technology choices or wider cultural and social issues.
Programme for the workshop
Informal conversations amongst colleagues in psychology, business, natural sciences and law revealed common interests in urban behaviour and environmental quality (both in their broadest contexts). Several of us are working on a range of complimentary topics and know of various colleagues working in linked urban areas (e.g. behaviour change, community resilience, ecosystem services, smart phone app development etc.) in both research and programme development.
The aim of the ‘open event’ is to:
· see how we can take forward these research and programme development synergies
· collaboratively identify research themes
· co-develop a core list of research questions
· plan to pursue a focused starter project
12:00pm – 12:30pm Informal sandwich lunch followed by a 12:30pm Start.
A chance to register and informally meet colleagues attending the event before the start. Lunch will be provided.