Friday, 29 May 2015

Professor leads a debate at the International Summer Academy on controversial topics in assisted Reproductive Technologies.

Psychology Professor Olga van den Akker is leading a debate in an event hosted by the Geneva based Brocher Foundation which supports research for humans and society, on controversies in third party assisted conception (1-5 June 2015).Key experts from across the world and Senior Academics will lecture and lead the debates with the participating audiences.

Many controversial topics will be presented, debated and discussed by participating audiences at the Brocher foundation in Switzerland next week. Topics covered include; The impact on social life, the dimension of the infertility problem, the challenges raised by new developments of ART, Donor related issues, homo-parenting, public policy and legislative regulations on reproduction, embryo and gamete statue, and economic and cost-effectiveness analysis, insurance policies implications and regulatory agencies.

For more information see: