Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Sexual Violence Conference 17-18th September, Middlesex University

Ellouise Long discusses the need to consider trolling as a form of online violence and the role this plays in silencing women online ahead of her presentation at the Sexual Violence Conference hosted by Middlesex University in September 2015:


The Sexual Violence Conference takes place on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 September 2015 at Middlesex University, bringing together practitioners, policy makers and academics who work in the field of sexual violence, to share their knowledge and understanding: http://www.mdx.ac.uk/events/2015/09/sexual-violence-conference

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Research Seminar: Prof. Juan Augusto, Middlesex University

Date and time: Wednesday 8th July, 11:00am, room C217.

Title: “Examples of Ambient Assisted Living Systems Helping the Vulnerable"

Abstract: We will consider examples of Ambient Assisted Living systems which have been created to help vulnerable citizens. One of them was aimed at users officially diagnosed as experiencing early dementia symptoms, the other example is on an ongoing project trying to provide support for people with Down’s Syndrome. The seminar will explore the type of services delivered as well as the development methodology. Both projects have in common the use of user-centred development processes, with stakeholders engaging with the developing team from early stages and throughout the project.
