Date and time: Monday, October 27, 5:00pm, room VG02
(Vine Building)
Title: Recent Developments in Women's Competition for
There has been an explosion of research pertaining to
women’s intrasexual competition for mates within the past decade. This research
spans the areas of eating disorders, fertility, risk-taking, self-perceptions
of mate value, fashion preferences, and adolescent friendships, among others. I
will briefly review these developments, and then present a series of recent
studies that collectively reveal women’s perceptions of potential rivals is
generally negative and encompasses numerous characteristics. My findings
indicate that women do not necessarily have to interact with rivals for these
results to occur; women appear to engage in vicarious competition by witnessing
hypothetical competitive situations. I will also present data from a new study,
whereby we found evidence of brain activation that indicates women may be
anticipating a loss or win when viewing young, attractive female faces versus
older, unattractive female faces. I will close with a discussion of potential
future research directions.
Maryanne L. Fisher, PhD, is a Professor in the Department
of Psychology at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada. She has recently
edited Evolution’s Empress: Darwinian Perspectives on the Nature of Women
(Oxford, 2013) and the Handbook of Women and Competition (Oxford, forthcoming).
Her primary areas of inquiry are sex differences in competition and aggression,
within-sex variance in mating strategies, and integrating feminist frameworks
with evolutionary psychological perspectives. For more information please see Maryanne's website:
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