Thursday, 14 February 2013

Death of the Dissertation? 21 Century approaches to Critical Enquiry

Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013
Death of the Dissertation? 21 Century approaches to Critical Enquiry
July 11th 2013, Hendon Campus

Building on the success of last year’s conference, which explored issues surrounding the globalisation of Higher Education, the title of this year’s 12th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference at Middlesex University is ‘Death of the Dissertation? 21st-Century approaches to Critical Enquiry’.

The day will explore whether the dissertation is still considered as standard in undergraduate programmes, alternative approaches to critical enquiry and the benefits and challenges of using different approaches. Professor Mick Healey, HE Consultant and Researcher and Emeritus Professor at the University of Gloucestershire, will provide the keynote speech. The conference aims to provide participants with an opportunity to discuss the issues surrounding embedding critical enquiry, share different approaches, celebrate success and develop understanding of the nature of critical enquiry in different disciplines drawing on examples from Middlesex and across the HE sector.

Papers, workshops and symposiums dealing with any aspect of critical enquiry and the alternatives to the traditional dissertation will be considered. Some examples of themes are given below:

·       The challenges of the dissertation
·       Alternative assessment options
·       Critical enquiry and employability
·       Real life case studies of final year projects
·       Why the premise of the dissertation is still relevant today
·       Why different subject disciplines require different approaches with specific examples
·       The importance of embedding skills and knowledge necessary for dissertations or their equivalent  from Year 1 

Those interested in making a contribution to the day should complete the following details and submit to Joanne Mullarkey in the Centre for Learning and Teaching Enhancement ( by Friday 15th March 2013.

Name(s) of lead presenters:



Title of proposal:

Format: (maximum time of 1 hour available)     

                             ¨ Workshop (1 hour)
                                    ¨ Presentation (40 minute presentation, 20 minutes question and answer)
                            ¨ Other (please specify)_________________

Abstract: (maximum of 300 words)

Key issues to be addressed are:

Session learning outcomes:

IT or audio-visual requirements
Computer, data-projectors and internet access will be provided as standard. If you have any other IT or audio-visual requirements please specify.

Review criteria
Each proposal is subjected to peer review against the following criteria:
·       clarity of the proposal;
·       originality/innovation of the mode of presentation of the idea/approach;
·       implications of the findings for the learning and teaching community;
·       anticipated interest.
Successful applicants will be notified by Monday 25th March. Proposals for successful applications will be put on the conference website prior to the event. These will include the abstract, the aims of the session, the learning outcomes, plus any references deemed appropriate. 

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