Sunday, 9 February 2014

Andrea Oskis takes part in this week's Psychology Research Seminar Series at Goldsmiths, University of London

Title: Stress hormones, relationships and adolescence

Abstract: Humans thrive in close relationships, and we suffer enormously when relationships are disrupted. In the main, my work seeks to advance the understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying the relationship/health link. My research takes a developmental perspective, and the common theme in all of my studies is attachment and interpersonal bonds. In this talk I will present work examining links between attachment style and stress hormones in adolescence. These data focus on two of the physiological mediators of the body’s key stress system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis; cortisol and DHEA, examining how different patterns of hormone secretion are linked with different attachment styles. As well as focusing on the regulation of our biological stress response system, my research has also looked at how attachment style links to our emotional regulation, and I will present findings showing how alexithymia – the inability to describe and express emotions – is associated with specific dimensions of attachment style. Overall, this talk will illuminate the importance of our relationships to both our psychological and physical well-being.

Thursday 13th February at 4:00 pm in 309, Richard Hoggart Building

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