Sunday, 23 February 2014

Spring funding opportunities

Conference attendance funding:

The European Society for Cognitive Psychology

The European Society for Cognitive Psychology invites applications for its conference attendance funding. This supports graduate students to attend the conferences organised by the society. Preference will be given to associate members of the society.

Deadlines on: 1 March 2014, 1 September 2014, and repeated annually.

Postgraduate and postdoctoral travel grants:

The European Association of Social Psychology invites applications for its postgraduate and postdoctoral travel bursaries. These support:
Short visits by postgraduate or postdoctoral students to departments elsewhere in the world in order to conduct new research, complete ongoing projects, or undergo training in a particular methodology or technology;

Funding will not exceed €800.

Deadlines on: 31 March 2014, 30 June 2014, 30 September 2014, 30 December 2014, and repeated annually.

Postdoctoral conference bursaries:

The British Psychological Society invites applications for its postdoctoral conference bursaries. These bursaries are available to support UK psychology postdoctoral researchers and lecturers to attend any academic conference, either in the UK or internationally, relevant to the applicant’s work. Applicants must be employed at a UK HEI and be within three years of the completion of their PhD in psychology.

Each bursary consists of up to £150 for the UK or £300 for an international conference.

Deadlines on: 1 April 2014, 1 October 2014, and repeated annually.

Research theme groups:

The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences invites proposals for research theme groups. A NIAS research theme group is composed of up to six scholars,

Award type Senior fellowships; Mid-Career fellowships; Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc; Early-Career fellowships; Directed grants for individual investigators; Networking/collaboration

Closing date 15 Apr 14

Applications are open to postgraduate members of the association currently registered for a PhD at a European university and full members who have completed their PhD within 36 months prior to their application.
Funding will not exceed €800.

Deadlines on: 31 March 2014, 30 June 2014, 30 September 2014, 30 December 2014, and repeated annually.

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